預售屋客變 / 大樓單層 / 38坪 (125m2) / 3房、2廳、2衛 / 現代風
Passed over the daily hustle and bustle, 'home' is the hideout for resting body and mind. Stripped of the exhaustion, let everything backtrack to tranquility and purity. Excluded the excessive interference, and collected the affect memory of the family in the space. Reserved large areas of windows, therefore the sunlight could evenly sprinkle everywhere of the indoor space. Enjoy the freely comfy lifestyle of embracing the daylight.
Named by the synonym of enjoy basking in the sun, as well as echoing the original geographical advantage of the space. Its bygone implication is 'holiday', which represents the beautiful time of delivering from the disturbance. Along with the transmuting of seasons, thence fashioned a leisurely and cozy humanistic environment.